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Installing CDF


Cloud Deployment Framework (CDF) automatically builds secure deployment piplines using AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild.

Cloud Deployment Framework (CDF)


You will need the following on your local machine:

  1. Python3
  2. awscli
  3. cdk: run the Bootstrapping process four at
cdk bootstrap aws://ACCOUNT-NUMBER/REGION-1
  1. docker


  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Rename config.d.templates to config.d
  2. Edit config.d/config.json to set pipelines names, sources, deployment options, and any parameters needed

Sample config.json file:

    "pipelines" :[
            "name" : "Production-Pipeline1",
            "provider" : "aws",
            "source" : {
                "source_type" : "codecommit",
                "repo_name" : "cdf-repo1",
                "branch" : "main"
            "deployment" : {
                "assume_role" :{
                    "role": "TODO"
                "aws_account" : "",
                "iam_policy_file" : "config.d/iam-policy.json",
                "region" : "us-east-1",
                "type" : "cfn",
                "parameters" : "VpcCIDR= Region=$REGION",
                "capabilities" : "CAPABILITY_IAM CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM",
                "deployment_file" : "main.yaml",
                "checks" : [
  1. Edit the IAM policy file used by the pipeline to deploy resources config.d/iam-policy.json Note: This file is referenced in config.d/config.json. It is recomended to have different policies for each pipeline

  2. Run:
    cdk deploy --all
  3. Verify that your pipelines were created in Codepipline in AWS console

By: Ahmed Abugharbia
Date: 07-20-2022