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K8s CC - Task 2: Building a sample application

Kubernetes support building infrastructure using configuration files. K8s configuration files are YAML or JSON files used to define and manage Kubernetes resources, such as pods, deployments, services, etc. These files contain specifications that describe the desired state of the resources you want to create or modify within a Kubernetes cluster.

Here are some key components and sections commonly found in Kubernetes configuration files:

We have three configuration files being used for this tutorial. You can find them here

Build a sample application

In this example, we will build a sample application that consists of the following:

  1. A MongoDB as the Backend. Accessible only for the Frontend and consists of one Pod
  2. A Mongo-express as the Frontend. Accessible from the outside and consists of one Pod

To do that, we will use three different configuration files as follows:

We will begin with creating the secret.

Creating the secret:

Secrets are a way to securely store sensitive information, such as passwords, tokens, or keys. They’re designed to help manage sensitive data access within Kubernetes deployments. Secrets provide a layer of abstraction and security by encoding and storing sensitive information separately from pod definitions or application code.

Kubernetes secrets can be used by referencing them in pods or containers, allowing applications to access sensitive information without exposing it directly within the code or configuration files. Secrets are stored within the cluster etcd and can be accessed by authorized entities.

Both the backend and the frontend will need to access the secret we will create. On the backend we will need to set the username and password of the Database. And on the front end we will need to configure the right username and password to be used.

So, we will create two secrets:

kubectl create secret generic mongodb-secret --from-literal=mongo-username=mongouser --from-literal=mongo-password=mongopass

To verify that the above was successful:

kubectl get secrets
$ kubectl get secrets
NAME             TYPE     DATA   AGE
mongodb-secret   Opaque   2      5d

You can also run:

kubectl describe secrets mongodb-secret
$ kubectl describe secrets mongodb-secret
Name:         mongodb-secret
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>

Type:  Opaque

mongo-password:  9 bytes
mongo-username:  9 bytes


Task 3: Create the Backend

By: Ahmed Abugharbia
Date: 1-1-2024